
by Rick Law and Katherine Motley

Why should you care what Rick Law and Katherine Motley have to say about protecting you, your lifestyle and your retirement assets?

Every day of the year, Rick Law and Katherine Motley work with people ranging from healthy, vigorous baby boomers to the fragile remaining elders of the Depression and World War II generation.

Rick and Kathy know that most retirees make lots of poor investment and legal choices—unsafe, complex, and with pie-in-the-sky promises. Want to sleep better? Read this book! It was written by two very talented people who work together to provide boomer retirees, maturing seniors and frail elders with legal and financial solutions.

In this book Rick and Katherine join forces to share with you how to find the best place to stand in today’s economic earthquake. They know that you are looking for four things from a legal and financial advisor:
• Safety, because it’s too hard to get back what you lost.
• A reasonable rate of return on your money. Most people do not expect to be stock market wizards. They want a safe and consistent way to be able to support their lifestyle.
• Simplicity, because nobody wants to be a fool. They want to make legal and financial decisions they can understand.
• Income for life. Nobody wants to run out of money before they die. If you are out of money, then you are out of options.

Both of their voices are heard throughout this book—informing, inspiring and amusing you throughout your cruise through retirement. With their help, it will be much smoother ride!


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